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Эксперт считает, что "Зенит" пройдет "Вильярреал"
Ответный матч пройдет 14 марта на стадионе "Вильярреала" Эстадио де ла Серамика.
Ответный матч пройдет 14 марта на стадионе "Вильярреала" Эстадио де ла Серамика.

Issue #1
you must use up to 5 related news. in this list can be 10+ links, it's bad idea add all of it
- Giridharidas
- I've never heard about this. "The IV engine automatically checks whether articles in the <related> block have an IV, you don't need to worry about this" - so they can limit it by themselves.
- Declined by admin
- There actually should not be too many links in related. There have been cases of about 30+ links in that list.
In this case it's okay to format 8 links as related.
- Type of issue
- IV page is missing essential content
- Reported
- Mar 13, 2019