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"Hice p煤blico mi VIH y ahora los pandilleros que me violaban a diario me quieren matar"
Un grupo de delincuentes se plant贸 en su casa para amenazarla y pedirle la mitad de las ganancias de un premio...del que tan solo es finalista. Pidi贸 protecci贸n, pero la polic铆a no ha respondido. "Es un estado fallido", denuncia

Issue #1

Contains unsupported video
Accepted by admin
Yuriy 馃惣 Panarin
I'm sorry, but in another appeal u say win template must dont have valid isssue.
I find issue in:
In page:
Template not support same type figacaption:
First figcaption supported, second not. In original secon figcaption too:
Next template support this case
Accepted by admin
Thank you. We have checked out that domain and found issues in both templates.
Type of issue
IV generated for non-target page
Jun 17, 2017