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Issue #2

I know there is already such an issue:

But I would like the author to give some clarifications:
Why do suppose it won't change often? This game was in list only for 14 days! ( There are many red and green arrows on this list, which means that the games are changing their places. What is yesterday was relevant won't be relevant tomorrow. (But the page will be cached and still will be showing previous day (month, year) results)
The same about "Стоит ли играть", which is formed out of user rating.
Nothing on the Web is carved in stone. Everything can change. Especially relatively shortly after publication.

To be non-dynamic content should:
* have it's own URL, so it will be there unless it's really gone for some reason;
* not update in realtime, like chats or so;
* be an identifiable entity: so we can look at it again and say "yes, it's the same thing";

The checklist says about another condition: content shouldn't loose its usefulness if it's a bit stale.

Everything above is true about this article.
The cache will be updated more often while the article changed often in its post-publication period, too.

P.S. Statistically, change rate of the place in the top is going to decrease quickly with the number of participants.
P.P.S. Look at the top: "Значения обновлены 2017-06-01". It doesn't change often.
Type of issue
Rudimentary content not removed
Jun 10, 2017