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Issue #2

h2 class="subtitle" must be formatted as subtitle
Accepted by admin
Сергей С
This <h2> is empty:

When <h2 class="subtitle"> contains some content it will be processed as the subtitle. Check:

But it's weird: when I open the page in browser or download it with wget I see <p> inside h2. When the page is opened in IV editor <h2> is empty:
[] @debug: //h2[has-class("subtitle")]
Debug 1 node:
[0]: <h2 class="subtitle"/>

I'm not sure what should I do in this case, but I can't identify any <p> after <h2> as subtitle.
Accepted by admin
It seems this <p> is detached from "<h2> by IV engine, since <p> isn't acceptable in <h2>.
However in this case it's possible to identify such paragraph: by its sibling <h2> anfd their common parent "detail-heading"
Type of issue
IV page is missing essential content
Mar 26, 2019