> Author name **is required** only if it is consistently presented in the source article in a clear way (at the top of the page, at the very end of the text, in the meta tags etc.), especially if there's a name of an actual person.
Such pages are commentaries-answers of people to some other big posts-questions. And each contains the author's name at the top. That allows to identify, who is that person, is he a cool guy or not. So, the author's name is consistently presented in the source article in a clear way (at the top of the page) & must be set by IV template.
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> Author name can be shown on the IV page if an author is specified in the source.
The post is written by a person (marked by red), but the IV template doesn't mention him as the author.
According to https://instantview.telegram.org/checklist#6-1-1-author-name
> Author name **is required** only if it is consistently presented in the source article in a clear way (at the top of the page, at the very end of the text, in the meta tags etc.), especially if there's a name of an actual person.
Such pages are commentaries-answers of people to some other big posts-questions. And each contains the author's name at the top. That allows to identify, who is that person, is he a cool guy or not. So, the author's name is consistently presented in the source article in a clear way (at the top of the page) & must be set by IV template.