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Thor ET-One é o caminhão elétrico rival do futuro Tesla Semi
Com previsão para chegar às ruas em 2019, a novidade terá autonomia de até 482 quilômetros, além de opções com até 709 cv de potência

Issue #2

Missing video. This youtube video was deleted. IV shouldn't be generated.
Juan Antonio
What video? In the template editor no video appears, in the web browser of my computer either, and in the hollow below the text, looking in the original html of the page, comes this link, which is not a video, is to download the application of the corporation.
So I think that it does not lack any information to the page, and the caption of the photos, have been removed because the text (FOTO: ) does not give any information of value to the photo.
Type of issue
IV generated for non-target page
Feb 13, 2019