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Hatch compacto ganhou nova tela multimídia com novas plataformas de integração com smartphones; Veja se ele vale a compra

Issue #1

This page contains a gallery that is not displayable, as it is unable to load the slideshow. You can check this if you open this page in another tab outside from the editor. As it is essential content and can't be loaded nor removed, this page should not generate any IV. This also happens in this page:
Deleted Account
But is possible to generate a link to the gallery! And that's what I did:

As documentation said:
"Slideshows are required only if the source article shows several photos or other media as a slideshow or gallery. If this is the case, do the following:
- Present all images in the IV as a gallery, if possible.
- If that's not possible, keep a link to the full gallery."

I thought it was better keep the link to the full gallery and don't mark it as unsupported. People can still read the article in IV and just need to press a link if they want see the full galery 🙂
Accepted by admin
Although the link to the gallery has been generated, it should be properly formatted ("Watch Gallery" or something like this). Currently it just looks like a rudimentary link.
Deleted Account
Alright then... But this is not present in the documentation... And I didn't thought we should add content to the IV.
Accepted by admin
Type of issue
IV generated for non-target page
Feb 14, 2019