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Issue #1

this page contains unsupported vk_post widget an it is an essential content.
Kirill S
The mentioned widget contains text which is fully quoted in the second paragraph. Therefore it's not essential content.
Accepted by admin
There's also a video in the post. Would be better to mark any unsupported essential content using the @unsupported function.
Kirill S
I strongly disagree with the decision that has been made. The whole body of the article contains a plain text wrapped by <p>, except that one:
<div id="vk_post_327815124_106353"></div>
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
(function() {
VK.Widgets.Post("vk_post_327815124_106353", 327815124, 106353, '6ww9tf66gz31NVc4SDJwX4H57w');
The <script> tag is cutted out automatically by your part of rules section ( @remove: $body//script ). As the result there is just empty <div> tags. So, what is unsupported then? Anyway, in the checklist (3.3) there is a tip: "Mark any unsupported essential content using the @unsupported function.". The article describes a ski race and contains fully quoted governor post, the video is mentioned but it still not essential.
Accepted by admin
Unsupport the div itself: @unsupported: $body//div[starts-with(@id, "vk_post_")]
Type of issue
IV generated for non-target page
Feb 15, 2019