Issue #3
- Алексей
- Look
<meta property="og:site_name" content="Devenez joueur pro grâce à la ROG SCHOOL !">
There is no sitename here.
There are few such pages where there is no possibility to get the site name.
Add manually?
- Accepted by admin
- The site_name property must include the correct name of the website. If the webmaster includes unnecessary data (e.g. ‘Site {sitename}’) or mixes the site name with the article title, your template must take care of this.
- Type of issue
- IV page is missing essential content
- Reported
- Feb 22, 2019
The site_name property must include the correct name of the website. If the webmaster includes unnecessary data (e.g. ‘Site {sitename}’) or mixes the site name with the article title, your template must take care of this.
Alex first asks us to support all these random non-article pages, reports tiny mistakes, and then whines when the same issues are reported on his IVs, when he does it wrong. Last time I checked, this contest is about making a perfect template. Alex, if you're tired of finding mistakes, give up... I checked all the issues from 2017. to today - you reported the same things you whine about now. Make a good template and no one will be able to report any issues - that's what I'm trying to do.