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Issue #1

IV needed
Sherali Rysbekov
The [email protected] node(first in the content body) is essential to the article content
Accepted by admin
It's acceptable to not mark [email protected] as unsupported element
Sherali Rysbekov
Well, is it accepted to omit an email address, which is, in this particular case, serves as a key piece of content? You guys need to start using common sense
Declined by admin
After further considering the issue of [protected mail], this is an acceptable way to handle them. Sorry about the previous decision.
Accepted by admin
After studying many cases, we came to the conclusion that creating special rules to unsupport pages with protected email addresses hurts the overall IV experience. From now on these guidelines will be used:
- [Email protected] is not a valid reason to not generate an IV. IV must be generated.
- There is one exception: if a "Contacts" page generates an IV (which is optional), it must include actual data, may not include [Protected email], etc.
- If an author can bypass the protection and extract the actual email (this is optional), this is not a valid reason for reporting other templates that don't do this.
- Reports on templates that try to extract the email will be accepted if it the email is not extracted correctly.
Type of issue
IV not generated for target page
Feb 10, 2019