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Сталинизм по-японски: любовные драмы, поклон товарищу Сталину и дружба народов - SakhalinMedia
Как японцы строили социализм на Южном Сахалине в 1945−49 годах
Как японцы строили социализм на Южном Сахалине в 1945−49 годах

Issue #2
- Ruslan S
"The date and time of publication is obligatory for news publications. It must be obtained by any means possible, including meta tags, etc".
Dates do not conflict, they are the same - October 18, 2018.
Why, then, was the time zone parameter added to the "@datetime" function? Due to its use, dates and times may also vary.
- Declined by admin
- Type of issue
- Author added their own content
- Reported
- Mar 20, 2019
It can easily happen that the article will be published at 10:00 on March 18. Then, due to the time zone, your template will show the date March 17 at 23:00, while the page will show the date March 18
"If conflicting dates are stored in multiple places on the source page, preference should be given to the time that is visible to the ordinary user who views the page in a browser."
There is no conflicts now, but it's only because of small amount such longread pages