A close look at the proteins the cells were churning out revealed that small changes in the pressure of fluids entering the tissues changed the arrangements of ion channels and its supporting structure, altering its shape and function.
I think it should be like: A close look at the proteins in the cells were churning out revealed that small changes in the pressure of fluids entering the tissues changed the arrangements of ion channels and its supporting structure, altering its shape and function.
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Jun 3, 2022
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A close look at the proteins the cells were churning out revealed that small changes in the pressure of fluids entering the tissues changed the arrangements of ion channels and its supporting structure, altering its shape and function.
I think it should be like:
A close look at the proteins in the cells were churning out revealed that small changes in the pressure of fluids entering the tissues changed the arrangements of ion channels and its supporting structure, altering its shape and function.