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Dicas e truques para o Zenfone 4 Selfie Pro
Confira as melhores dicas e truques para deixar o Zenfone 4 Selfie Pro totalmente personalizado e adaptado às suas necessidades!

Issue #3

Admin are joking?
Why you declined this issue ?

if it is not critical why you accept this issue ?

Please tell me why and how ?

if it critical please accept this issue, or it is not critical please give me back my this template

be carefull, please...
Andrew A.
"if it is not critical"
I already replied, I can repeat.

It is not just "not critical", it's not an issue at all. On the contrary, your template has a critical issue as a result of converting these blockquotes of WordPress Embed Post widget to <related>, because this site often has preceding header/text before that blockquote, and "if the link gets no IV, the text will have a hanging header" (I found another example:
Declined by admin
Type of issue
Author added their own content
Apr 18, 2019