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Issue #2

6.2.6 Infographics
Tall infographic images are currently unreadable in Telegram apps. If there’s a reliable way to identify them, the IV must add an image link to the full version of the image.
This site provides a figcaption links to full-size images (80% of them are infographics). Original image is 1600x, images in TG handicapped by 800px, so for comfortable reading we need to keep full-size link. More examples: - infographics - map - infographics
Abror Xurramov
- Firstly, infogram is not identifable, cause there's no any sign of infogram. No any attribute.
- Secondly, I used best image quality and no need to leave image link.
- Thirdly, I'm not sure that this is infogram, cause checklist says that long images are not readable in IV. This image is not long. Just normal rectangle image with small texts in it.
If you pull best quality image from source, it will be readable on IV (Checked on mobile).

Finally, remember when I left link to image, you reported that the link is rudimentary. And admin accepted it:

Declined by admin
Type of issue
IV page is missing essential content
May 1, 2019