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VIDEO Bývalý brankár Manchestru v kolotoči slávnych pretekov: Loptu vymenil za volant Le Mans
BRATISLAVA - Kedysi stál v bráne francúzskych majstrov sveta z roku 1998, aby neskôr pôsobil v drese slávneho Manchestru United pod taktovkou legendárneho Škóta Sira Alexa Fergusona, hovoríme o ...

Issue #3

Non-critical: line break missing before the highlighted paragraph.
Accepted by admin
(This was accepted because the template was rejected because of a different, more serious, issue.)
Анон Михалыч
If this is not critical and if the other issue will be declined this one should also be declined.
Accepted by admin
Thanks for making sure this is not missed. Unfortunately, the decision on the other issue didn't get reverted.
Type of issue
IV page is missing essential content
Jul 29, 2017