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Issue #2

The article's date is July 30, but the IV displays June 30.

The severity level of this issue is equivalent to G1 due to generating corrupted essential content.
Yuriy 🐼 Panarin
@replace("leden", "jan"): $date
@replace("únor", "feb"): $date
@replace("březen", "mar"): $date
@replace("duben", "apr"): $date
@replace("květen", "may"): $date
@replace("května", "may"): $date
@replace("června", "june"): $date
@replace("červenec", "jule"): $date
@replace("srpen", "aug"): $date
@replace("září", "sep"): $date
@replace("říjen", "oct"): $date
@replace("listopad", "nov"): $date
@replace("prosinec", "dec"): $date
Accepted by admin

This issue was created as part of our final processing of appeals on our earlier decisions submitted by the contestants. Thank you very much for taking the time and effort to participate in our contest!

Please note that we no longer accept submissions of new issues in any form. As of this stage, we can only process appeals on our decisions about the issue for which the appeal was submitted.
Yuriy 🐼 Panarin
@replace("leden", "jan"): $date
@replace("únor", "feb"): $date
@replace("březen", "mar"): $date
@replace("duben", "apr"): $date
@replace("květen", "may"): $date
@replace("května", "may"): $date
@replace("června", "june"): $date
@replace("červenec", "jule"): $date
@replace("srpen", "aug"): $date
@replace("září", "sep"): $date
@replace("říjen", "oct"): $date
@replace("listopad", "nov"): $date
@replace("prosinec", "dec"): $date
Accepted by admin
There are issues with the code you copy pasted. For instance, on this line:
@replace("červenec", "jule"): $date

The article uses "července" rather than "červenec". So your @replace would not trigger, thereby giving the incorrect date.

Also, @datetime supports locale parameter to handle these cases more reliably.

This issue remains valid.
Type of issue
IV page is missing essential content
Aug 2, 2017