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Issue #1

You have a mistake in your algorithm for creating paragraphs from <br><br>. You create paragraphs at each <br> except the first in an element.

The code of the selected example is the following:
"Дни стояли сизые, косые.<br>
Непогода улицы мела.<br>
Родилась я осенью в России,<br>
И меня Россия приняла.<br>"

In your IV, the first <br> in the poem stays <br>, and the following are replaced with paragraphs.

My guess is that you use something like
@split_parent: $body//p/br/next-sibling::br

This ignores text nodes. You can use "following-sibling" instead of "next-sibling" to make them counted.

I cited an article from Dec 2017 because it's easy to demonstrate here (a poem), but this in fact happens in really many articles (here's a yesterday's one: And since you violently alter the layout for no reason (and even do in inconsistently, keeping one break after the first <br>), I believe this issue is pretty serious.
Type of issue
IV page is missing essential content
Apr 29, 2019