Issue #1
- Chingiz Gaffarov
- This isn't page navigation. This is the list of similar articles, not the index of one content. They can be formatted as <related>.
- Accepted by admin
- It's a navigation. Look at URLs: "page3", "page4" etc
- Chingiz Gaffarov
- These are the links which route to other pages and they are related to one another. So I made them <related>. This isn't critical. This isn't given in the checklist.
- Accepted by admin
- The links are clearly relating to pagination and not to related articles. Pagination means they are actually different pages of the same article, not different articles.
Related articles would be to different articles.
Note that if for some reason a <related> link does not generate IV, then that link will not be displayed in the <related> block. It is even possible for the <related> block to not display in IV at all. If a paginated link were to disappear because of this, that would be essential content missing, which would generate a corrupted IV.
It does not make sense to handle pagination as <related>. They are not the same thing.
- Type of issue
- IV page is missing essential content
- Reported
- Feb 23, 2019
"Page navigation shouldn't be formatted as related"