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LG G6: voltando ao básico
Depois de fracassar com o modular G5, a LG aposta (e acerta) no caminho mais simples

Issue #2

If your explanation to this part missing from the IV page is it's outside div id ="post", then you should re-think your way of making templates
You make a lot of poor quality templates and attack other people who make good templates with fake issues.
You're a complete annoyance and demotivate to people who good templates. Please keep your lame excuses to the real world around you. You're cheating and you know it.
Quality vs Quantity
If an admin is reading this, double-check this person's templates and the issues he reports. He constantly keeps changing his name as well, so that admins won't notice his crap attitude
Yuriy 🐼 Panarin
Second block a not in body, and telegram cant correctly show him
Type of issue
IV page is missing essential content
Jun 7, 2017