Issue #2
"По материалам" should be removed. It translated like "by the materials of".
- Accepted by admin
- This part must be removed.
- FarOut()
- Why? This is a mistake of an article editor. In all other pages they use correct author. Next time it can be something else lile:
"По материалам УНИАН"
"по матерриалам: УНИАН"
"источник: УНИАН"
"статью прислал Вася"
And it can be in any other site too. It won't require to make a lot of regex pattern to catch any possible issue. So, admins, please give some good explanation of Your logic.
- Accepted by admin
- In this case the text shouldn't be used as an author. It's acceptable to place it in the end of article
- Type of issue
- Rudimentary content not removed
- Reported
- Feb 21, 2019