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Link Preview

Issue #2

This content should be removed.
Accepted by admin
Tags are rudimentary content that usually link to dynamic lists of articles that should not generate IV.
Not an appeal , just a question . i know tag is not important and rudimentary . but the explanation about "link to dynamic list of article" make me think of something . Do we are not allowed to set author_url if the author_url link to dynamic list of article?
and how about a navigation that also lead to dynamic list of article? i know that navigation should be remove , but in the navigation , there is a link that lead to a page that can generate IV and make it sounds like essential . i hope i can get answer :)
Accepted by admin
Generally, for author URL, it is probably okay for that to link to an author's list of articles, even if it doesn't generate IV, as long as that is the proper author URL.

Author by nature of IV is supported and common content (not rudimentary). Author URLs are optional though. So it's up to template creator to support or not. If creator is unsure, then it's totally fine to not support it. It would depend on how inappropriate the author URL would be.

Generally, it is better if links inside IV can stay inside IV. This isn't always possible, so it can be situational, depending on the specific case, domain, source page, etc. It depends on how essential the link itself is to the source page.

Hopefully this clarifies things a bit.
Type of issue
Rudimentary content not removed
Mar 25, 2019