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Issue #1

Related to:

This is a promo article from a website which is about financial investment.
Iframe ("banner ad") is linked to:

Look at these 2 links:
Besplatnu e-brošuru "Kako pametno investirati" preuzmite ovde.

Linked to same LANDING PAGE:

So, these links are ads also, isn't it? All content is ad, promo (paid article).
In Serbia, all paid articles must be marked with "PR" (this case, check the source of the article at the end), "Promo", "Plaćeni oglas" etc.

We can't filter promo articles.
Links in paragraphs not identifiable.
Iframe isn't supported.
@admins, check again and fix the mistake you made on my template 36.
It's not fair. I'm waiting too long for reply on my appeal. Why?
Use translate services to understand the story of the article.
Declined by admin
Type of issue
IV not generated for target page
Apr 13, 2019