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Issue #10

This page doesn't contain unsupported content
Kesantielu Dasefern
Duplicated your issue. Are you ok?
Accepted by admin
They are not essential since they are not visible, those iframes should be removed or look for a workaround.
Kesantielu Dasefern
Text of the error is "Embed not supported yet:: <iframe class = "twitter-tweet"> </ iframe>"

But if you check the original page, you will easily see that the page does not contain this iframe! Function @debug says that there is no such iframe too. There is a <blockquote class="twitter-tweet"> but not an iframe.
Accepted by admin
Sorry, but for example template #37 handles the situation well. It's something to which you should look for a workaround.
Type of issue
IV not generated for target page
Jun 19, 2017