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¿Conoces los beneficios de la ortodoncia más allá de la estética?
La ortodoncia es un tratamiento gracias al cual los pacientes consiguen lucir una sonrisa hermosa y mejora la estética del rostro. Con este tr

Issue #2

my template was declined for not including the other captions & if you look close, you will see, the alt attributes ARE the captions (click on the preview pic to make it large (and to see the real caption))
Yuriy 🐼 Panarin
This is "alt" attribute, "alt" attibute is not a caption, page html code have caption for only first image, other caption it is "alt", i used "alt" how caption on another site, but admin decline my template
Declined by admin
Duplicated of
Type of issue
IV page is missing essential content
Jun 1, 2017