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¿Conoces los beneficios de la ortodoncia más allá de la estética?
La ortodoncia es un tratamiento gracias al cual los pacientes consiguen lucir una sonrisa hermosa y mejora la estética del rostro. Con este tr

Issue #3

Yuriy 🐼 Panarin
You duplicate 3 issue, please stop. Caption for image is required, but in html code caption have only first image, other image haven't caption, they have attribute "alt".
6.5. Captions If the image has no caption, but has meaningful text in the alt attribute, you may use that text as the caption. This is optional, we will not accept issues about alt-text missing from captions.

Tip: Please don‘t include meaningless alt-text as captions (e.g., the Playstation blog always puts the name of the corresponding game in the alt attribute of all screenshots – there’s no need to reproduce that on the IV page.)
Declined by admin
Duplicated of
Type of issue
IV page is missing essential content
Jun 1, 2017