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Issue #1

The cover is mandatory as the video is in the header

immediately below the title

and before what I consider the subtitle
/header[@class="c-article__header"]/div [@class="o-box"]//div[@class="c-article__abstract"]
Sergey I
It is obligatory to use a cover image:

* If the image is present on the page and described in the source as “featured-img”, “cover”, “lead_img”, “main_image”, etc.

This is not true. Video has class "c-article__media". This video can be rudimentary (e.g. I don't think a realy cover can be rudimentary

* When the article has a cover on the source website (above the title or subtitle).
This video is below the title (c-article__abstract is not a subtitle).
Type of issue
IV page is missing essential content
Mar 27, 2019