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Issue #1

This website sometimes include a map with a marker. It's inserted using a script, but all info required to replicate it in IV is there.
Since it's possible to support the map, IV should be generated.
Pavel T.
If you can make this transformation here, it doesnt mean that it will work correctly in the future. Google Maps API allows to do many thing which are unsupportable by <iframe> version, so I'm sure that we shouldn't do this strange transformation.
Accepted by admin
I accept the issue, since examples of articles, where this method doesn't work, weren't provided
Pavel T.
Sorry, but it's only page with JS map from 2018, where is the point in the Checklist which says that unsupporting of JS-embeds is the reason of template's declining?

It's ONLY ONE CASE, hardcoded by my opponent.
Full list of JS features unsupported in iframe version:

Even if I can't find another articles with JS-maps now, it doesnt mean that this is a reason of declining.
Declined by admin
I have reviewed Template #8 (by φ) and have found following weak spots:

- It will break if there will be multiple mappa_articolo blocks
- It is not protected against extra options, which affect the embed content:

I agreed with an appeal and decided to decline an issue because:

- It seems these embeds are broken on the website, so it's unlikely they will be used in new articles
- Even if they fix these embeds and decide to use in a new article, there's high chance the generated embed will be incorrect, because Template #8 does not provide enough protections
Type of issue
IV not generated for target page
Mar 18, 2019