Issue #1
“Related articles” block fell apart.
- x.
- The layout of all blocks corresponds to the page structure.
- Accepted by admin
- In the original article first 4 links are in the same block:
So they must be in the IV.
If you will resubmit the template, consider to put this block in the end of the IV for better IV experience
- x.
- Ok, i rework and resubmit the template.
I hope I can report two problems on Template #8:
1. Missing one of image before header "KEYAKI, SUPPLY & DEMAND"
2. In the table of the event, the date is lost which is in the <table> attribute: summary="(Saturday, 5.30pm, Our Tampines Hub)"
- Accepted by admin
- Type of issue
- Rudimentary content not removed
- Reported
- Mar 15, 2019