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Issue #2

So according to Pavel.T, "according to previous admins decisions", only one footer can be allowed.

But it seems he won't provide a link there, so it's up to you to update your template or not :)
I didn't see any admin decisions on this as well, but:
1) There is no such rule in the checklist at least;
2) I don't understand why only one footer can be present. Itsn't it just a grey text?
3) "node_full_avtor" class on this site is used to specify authors, and in 99,9% articles such block is always placed at the end. This is just an exception. But anyway: if this pages looks like it having multiple footers in the original, why should I fix site issues in IV? And what formatting should I use intead of <footer> here? <i>? And what if the following paragraph after the "footer" would contain italic text?
Declined by admin
Doesn't seem to be critical.
Type of issue
Author added their own content
Apr 6, 2019