Dublicated account? (Copy from template #1) All these links are part of article. The first marked link has its text (everything is correct), text from other links is missing (links are marked as "related")
From https://instantview.telegram.org/checklist#6-3-2-related-articles : It is obligatory to format “Related articles” links using the new <related> tag, provided they are **identifiable** in the source. There are no class in source code, which can help **reliably** identifies these links without endangering essential information. Side effect of making links as "related" without accurate identification in source page we can see here: part of links is "related", part is not.
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All these links are part of article. The first marked link has its text (everything is correct), text from other links is missing (links are marked as "related")
From https://instantview.telegram.org/checklist#6-3-2-related-articles :
It is obligatory to format “Related articles” links using the new <related> tag, provided they are **identifiable** in the source.
There are no class in source code, which can help **reliably** identifies these links without endangering essential information.
Side effect of making links as "related" without accurate identification in source page we can see here: part of links is "related", part is not.