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Issue #1

this site doesn't have better quallty images on src-set(actually it only has worst quallity in most cases), the best quallity it's in @data-orig-file attrib and template should use it as src.
for new articles they always put high-quality image in srcset. for example
as you can see they have the best quality in srcset

You can even see that the original page doesn't display this image properly too, because it relies on srcset attribute, and NOT @data-orig-file. Also it can be unsafe to use this @data-orig-file attribute, because if it will not exists for some reason(removed image or smth), website will display the image correctly but your template won't. So it's more safe to use what website itself uses.

anyway this is news article from 2014, so:

6.5.4 Ancient lore
Support for news articles from 2015 and earlier is optional. We won’t accept issues on news articles posted before 2016 if the template correctly handles articles published recently.
Declined by admin
Type of issue
IV page is missing essential content
Mar 30, 2019