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Suleiman Abdella
አራተኛው መልዕክት TPLF is responsible for famine in Amhara Rebels are Looting humanitarian aid, blocking roads & destroying livelihoods in Amhara. The IC should demand the #TigrayRebels to stop targeting & killing civilians #AidForAmharaIDPs #FoodforAmharaIDPs #WolloCantWait
አራተኛው መልዕክት TPLF is responsible for famine in Amhara Rebels are Looting humanitarian aid, blocking roads & destroying livelihoods in Amhara. The IC should demand the #TigrayRebels to stop targeting & killing civilians #AidForAmharaIDPs #FoodforAmharaIDPs #WolloCantWait

Issue #63
- Type of issue
- Submitted via the Previews bot
- Reported
- Sep 14, 2021