Judging by the date it seems that the cover photo came from the future. What gives?
This is an article from the site category that has articles which sometimes get updated. They are not dynamic (in a sense that they change every day), but they are being kept up to date adding new info once in a while. So the infrequent caching of IV will do alright in the future and we can support this type of pages. But we can see that the original published time isn't relevant anymore. That's why I suggest using the modified time info, or dropping the date property altogether (since it's nowhere to be found on the original page, only in meta tags).
Between ‘date published’ and ‘date last edited’, choose ‘date published’ for articles.
Type of issue
IV page is missing essential content
Mar 23, 2019
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This is an article from the site category that has articles which sometimes get updated. They are not dynamic (in a sense that they change every day), but they are being kept up to date adding new info once in a while. So the infrequent caching of IV will do alright in the future and we can support this type of pages. But we can see that the original published time isn't relevant anymore. That's why I suggest using the modified time info, or dropping the date property altogether (since it's nowhere to be found on the original page, only in meta tags).
<meta property="article:published_time" content="2014-01-02T15:56Z" />
<meta property="article:modified_time" content="2017-08-31T14:13Z" />