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Главное событие прошедшей недели – визит Верховного муфтия Сирии Ахмада Бадр эд-Дин Хассуна в самый крупный город Югры. Стоит отметить, что накануне духовного лидера принимали в Москве, Санкт-Петербурге и Чечне.

Issue #1

Only your template doesn't format this paragrapg as blockquote when in original page have diffirent style like blockquote, so we must use blockquote because this text from one people...
Similar issue was declined.
Accepted by admin
That issue is not similar. That referred to issue does not have identifiable quotes.

For this source page, the blockquote is identifiable. It's coded as a <blockquote> in the source page, but this template specifically replaces the <blockquote> tag.
Type of issue
IV page is missing essential content
Feb 25, 2019