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Maximum Kart ve İşCep’e altın ödül
Türkiye İş Bankası, SocialBrands Veri Analitiği Ödüllerinde Maximum Kart ve İşCep markalarına ait sosyal medya hesap yönetimindeki performansı ile altın ödül aldı.

Issue #3

"Kaynak" or the source has been clearly shown in the article as AA, I believe it should be mentioned in the article.
Deleted Account
AA is a name of a news agency (Anadolu Agency), not the author's. The author and publisher of this article is Ü staff.
Accepted by admin
If the name of the actual author is not known, then an author should not be displayed.
Type of issue
IV page is missing essential content
May 30, 2017