The Instant View Editor uses a three-column layout, so you really want to use it on a desktop screen that's wide enough. Sorry for the inconvenience.

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Issue #1

IV page needed, it contains a simple one-column table.
Dmytro P
A rare issue for just some of the pages reported.
Accepted by admin
This page should generate IV. Other templates (#28, #32, #33) supports it.
Dmytro P
Dear admin, I understand and respect your desicion, still would it be permissible to consider the fact that this template works with almost all articles from the "" section? Not mentioning that it works with other sections much better.
Accepted by admin
This issue is still valid.

Please remember that we are looking for the perfect template, not the one that has done it "better" at this time.
Type of issue
IV not generated for target page
Jun 18, 2017