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Issue #1 "EXCEPTION! Slideshows must not be used:

When the article consists entirely of a slideshow (and its caption/description) and there's no other content.
When the article uses images/videos/GIFs with captions as the main medium (e.g.: travel blogs that show many photos with captions, step-by-step crafting guides, cooking recipes, etc.)."

This gallery contains one line of text that is its description. Its presence doesn't change the situation. Example of an accepted issue:
Hi, dear admin.
I don't resubmit my template because I want to get answer for this case.
Because text on this article is presented so it don't "consists entirely of a slideshow". My template use some feature/detector and make slideshow if there is some content on the page like here and don't make a slideshow if don't (see: )
here You declined "issue" like this.
Declined by admin
Even one paragraph is still a paragraph, not a caption or description. So it's OK to keep a slideshow as a slideshow.
Type of issue
Author added their own content
Mar 1, 2019