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Incaltamintea iernii: Cizmele peste genunchi
Noul sezon prezinta cele mai sexy cizme de pana acum, cele care acopera genunchiul. Vedete precum Rihanna sau Rita Ora le adora deja si le poarta in cele mai variate forme sau cu cele mai originale imprimeuri. La polul opus, Fergie si Olivia Palermo opteaza pentru modelul clasic cu talpa plata si realizat din piele sau piele intoarsa.

Issue #1

The footer containing the published date (which was correctly interpreted) and the number of views was not removed.
This provides duplicate information and also the number of views is dynamic, as more and more users visit the page, creating a number discrepancy between the template and the original. Please remove.
Jordi Olivares
I was commenting out some code and I added a # where I shouldn't have
Type of issue
Rudimentary content not removed
Jun 17, 2017