Issue #3
- Nazar
- In this case the author of the article indeed is "Екатерина Медведева".
I assume here position is there, because she is not working for this website.
And for the same reason in their inside system it states "Автор: Редакция" ( translation ":Author: Editorial"), which is basically a placeholder.
Also, the author placement was changing for the last couple of days, It has changed once and I implemented it. Now it switched to another one. So the best way to identify author would be known only in a couple of weeks, at least.
- Type of issue
- IV page is missing essential content
- Reported
- Feb 18, 2019
And this isn't a name - it's a name, a working position and place of work of Ekaterina Medvedeva.
The author name supposed to be inside <... class="bs-tags ...>