Subtitle is missing, lead paragraph has been added instead.
Every article has subtitle conveniently named in source code "alternativeHeadline" (proof: ). Adding it as a subtitle would be most intuitive, but even if not, it still represents a small portion of an article that is not rendered by the template.
Checklist §6.11: "A subtitle is a subordinate title of a published work or article giving additional information about its content. If such a beast is present in the original article, a <subtitle> is required" (
Yes, the pre-headline is missing and would represent a better subtitle than the lead text.
Type of issue
IV page is missing essential content
Jun 16, 2017
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Every article has subtitle conveniently named in source code "alternativeHeadline" (proof: ). Adding it as a subtitle would be most intuitive, but even if not, it still represents a small portion of an article that is not rendered by the template.
Checklist §3.1: "The subtitle must be shown on IV page if a subtitle exists in the source." (
Checklist §6.11: "A subtitle is a subordinate title of a published work or article giving additional information about its content. If such a beast is present in the original article, a <subtitle> is required" (