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Link Preview

Issue #1

4. Buttons removed (if the button is essential, it must be simplified into a link). Here's any button is not essential. It must be removed.
Elian Doran
Checklist states "Main navigation bars and menus removed (essential navigation may be adjusted to simple links)".
Let's review the navigation on this page:
1. The "main navigation" (Leaks, News, About, Partners) is removed.
2. Shop, Archives, Editorials are removed.

The navigation hereby presented is article-specific (they all belong to the Sony family of articles) and thereby might be considered part of the essential navigation. As mentioned by the rules, the buttons (and thus, the arguably essential navigation) has been adjusted to simple links.

I do not think this should be considered basis for rejecting the article.
Declined by admin
Type of issue
Rudimentary content not removed
Feb 23, 2019