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Vila Isabel, Mangueira e Ilha se destacam no 2º dia de desfiles na Sapucaí
O segundo e último dia dos desfiles das escolas de samba do Grupo Especial do Rio de Janeiro terminou na madrugada desta terça-feira (5). Mangueira, União da Ilha e Vila Isabel foram os destaques. Passaram também pela Sapucaí São Clemente, Portela, Mocidade Independente de Padre Miguel e Paraíso do Tuiuti

Issue #1

Missing figcaption
This caption is in the same paragraph as the picture and has its own separate class.
Looks like a special case of formatting. I can't find any other occurrence of this, so I don't think it's a critical issue
Declined by admin
These are indeed some special kind of captions.

@Vlad you supported this one off - but there are other articles with weird captions, which are not supported by your template either:

This is not really a valid issue, since that site got several different captions.

If you need to resubmit your template because of another issue, you could make sure to support that kind of captions if possible!
Type of issue
IV page is missing essential content
Mar 9, 2019