This is strictly an online and work from home job Work days are Mondays - Fridays, 5hrs daily and your pay would be calculated with the help of the time tracker software that would be included in the programs provided by the company`s verified vendor. Therefore, your working hours are logged and automatically calculated on our company private server.
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Job Duties & Responsibilities : Are
1. Transcribe, review, and interpret all lease data before
entry into the database.
2.Ensure all data is accurately and quickly entered.
3. Review all documents that come in for accuracy (this
makes the data entry people's jobs easier).
4. Update and correct any and all inaccuracies in the database.
Can you handle all this effectively ?
Type of issue
Submitted via the Previews bot
Mar 2, 2022
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Let me know if the above is clearly
Job Duties & Responsibilities :
1. Transcribe, review, and interpret all lease data before
entry into the database.
2.Ensure all data is accurately and quickly entered.
3. Review all documents that come in for accuracy (this
makes the data entry people's jobs easier).
4. Update and correct any and all inaccuracies in the database.
Can you handle all this effectively ?