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Issue #2

If you add a little wit, then you can easily remove this block ;)
Sergey Pomogaylenko
It is not wit, it is bullshit. you try to support every particular case for now, but template itself turning into something that will break down very sonn after contest. removeing of this string may lead in future to situation when normal text will be removed. I will not do it i nmy template anyway
Accepted by admin
It is true that removing such text can potentially be dangerous, depending on how the template is coded.

However, not removing the text (yet removing the content that the text refers to) leads to an incomplete IV.

Leaving the text there without the referred to object does not make sense to the IV reader. So the IV essentially becomes corrupted. Even not generating an IV would be better than generating a corrupted IV.
Type of issue
Rudimentary content not removed
Jun 17, 2017