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Issue #4

In reply to your objections here:

Oh, come on... "This is original page issue" This contest was made to deal with pages issues to display them properly in IV. If all pages were written in same modern way, there would be no need in our efforts.

Nothing is broken on this page. It just uses flash videos and wasn't updated for recent changes of web "standards". Videos here aren't played properly because support of Flash is being dropped in browsers recently.

This is pretty recent article (1.5 years) and it can be supported easily despite format deprecation. What if some other format is going to be deprecated soon? Do you suggest to just drop all IV articles with it?
You said "IV platform itself could easily support deprecated versions of YouTube embeds for all websites, without need in supporting by each template." - IV platform also doesn't support tons of other embeds, some of which can be fixed by us. This is it's principle: it fixes most
Deleted Account
Duplicate issue.

SWF YouTube embed has been deprecated since January 2015:

No idea why it was used in 2017, I doubt it was working in any non-outdated browser back then as well.

Moreover, I think it didn't work at all back in 2017 in ANY browser, because SWF embeds on the website must use this format:
<object width="100" height="100">
<param name="movie" value="file.swf">
<embed src="file.swf" width="100" height="100">

Not simply putting inside of <iframe>.

If content can't be viewed on the original page in ANY way, there's no need in fixing article's author mistakes. Next thing template could fix is typos in the text.
Declined by admin
Type of issue
IV not generated for target page
Feb 22, 2019