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La Première Guerre mondiale expliquée aux enfants
Entre 1914 et 1918, les soldats français, allemands, et bien d'autres, de toutes nationalités, se battent dans la boue et le froid. Découvre les grands moments de la Grande Guerre dans notre documentaire interactif.  Hans et Pierre, deux soldats ennemis, te racontent ce qu'ils ont vécu pendant ces quatre années épouvantables de guerre.

Issue #3

Related articles should come at the end, its better for the readers. Otherwise they will think the article is finished without looking at the tooltips
Why would user want to take a look at tooltips at the end? When user click those marks [1]/[2]/etc. in article body, IV will show reference at the screen bottom, they don't have to "look at the tooltips" as you describe. Also, this is quite an old article from 2013 with insanely numbers of related posts.
Accepted by admin
Related should be at the end.
Type of issue
IV page is missing essential content
Mar 20, 2019