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Issue #2

Руслан Агишев
6.2.5 Media credits
IV 2.0 supports a dedicated <cite> tag for credits in media captions. Credits in captions must be preserved and placed inside the appropriate tag, provided it is technically possible to reliably identify them.

It' technically possible to reliably identify them.
Check my template
Elian Doran
The credits in captions are preserved. Unfortunately, the source is written directly in the figure caption and there is no other way to identify it other than probing the text. Now while your solution is perfectly viable for the given template, consider the following:

1. In Romanian "sursa" can be written as "sursă" (with or without diacritics), additionally did you handle upper case and lower case?
2. "Foto" can also be "fotografie", "fotografii", "poză", "poza", "poze", did you handle all those situations?
3. What if the article writer one day decides to drop the "SURSA FOTO" and use just "FOTO" instead? Would it still be identified?
4. What if you depend on the presence of the ":" character for identification?
5. There are chances of false positives such as when a phrase contains the probed words ("Fotograful refuză să specifice sursa foto." / "The photograph refuses to specify photo source."). Would the algorithm be able to handle that?
6. Would the algorithm handle correctly multiple lines? Such as a li
Declined by admin
Type of issue
IV page is missing essential content
Feb 12, 2019