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Link Preview

Issue #1

mustn't be like that
Marco Zordan
it is a motivated choice

they already exist now, both for the blind and for the lazy, TTS (Text to speak) programs and bots, so it is important that the news contains all the information. If memory doesn't deceive me, I seem to have read some announcements that the functionality will be added in Telegram.

For this reason, I chose to associate the information with the image with a figcaption

If you move the mouse over the stars of the original article, also in the preview on the left, the data 4.5/5 immediately appears. In practice, even without JS, the information appears.

Concluding to show all the information and to correlate the textual content "Rating: 4.5/5" with the images of the stars I made this choice for my template.
Declined by admin
Type of issue
Rudimentary content not removed
Mar 19, 2019