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Issue #1

this type of articles always uses small 300x225 images that are bad for the cover. better and larger version of the image is accesible in meta tags
Nisarg Jhaveri
The high quality images are not the same as shown in the article. They have extra watermarks, which are not shown to end user on the webpage.
Accepted by admin
Using meta image for a cover is a bad idea, because they can be different. But you can extract bigger images by modifying image src. See:,width-800,imgsize-176182,resizemode-4/building.jpg
Nisarg Jhaveri
Getting image with different width with by changing the `width-xxx` in URL doesn't actually give better images. It is just the same image stretched, which does not give any benefit apart from being heavy while downloading.

Also, I couldn't find a way to check if an URL exists, and fallback to default URL if it doesn't. In case the modified URLs stopped working, we would want to fallback to the URL already mentioned in the page. This also doesn't seem possible.

I think we should just use the images present in the page.
Accepted by admin
Type of issue
IV page is missing essential content
Feb 7, 2019