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Issue #2

Deleted Account
There is unsupported video which must be tagged as @unsupported
Sherali Rysbekov
Here is what checklist says about video and audio from unsupported players:
- If the unsupported widget has an iFrame version, make it into an <iframe>. If you do that, the IV page will not be generated due to unsupported content, but things will work out of the box if and when we support that widget.
- If it is not possible to represent the widget as an iFrame, but it is possible to get a direct link to the video/audio, use this link to generate a <video> or <audio> with the correct src attribute.
- Otherwise, mark the object with the @unsupported function.
None of the rules above can be applied to this kind of pages, since videos are embed dynamically, through the script, and there is no way to extract src/turn them into iframe. One more detail: unlike all the articles of this domain, this page does not have //meta[property="og:type"][@content="article"]. So, I chose to not generate IV at all, and I think this is an appropriate decision. Moreover, you did not include links to templates that handle this bett
Declined by admin
The IV is not generated either way
Type of issue
IV not generated for target page
Apr 19, 2019